Last update: 26/10/2018

Last update: 26/10/2018   Welcome to our Site. Please read our Privacy Notice carefully, which applies both if you access the Site simply to browse it and if you use its advanced services. Please also read the Terms of Service page if you have not already done so, as it contains important information on browsing safety and the control systems used. This information is provided pursuant to the European Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data (General Data Protection Regulation, also GDPR) 2016/679, which provides for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. According to the regulations indicated, this processing will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and the protection of your privacy and rights.  
1. Who processes your personal data
The Controller for the processing of personal data collected through the Site subject to this privacy notice is Horm Italia Srl, tax code and/or VAT No. IT06801640969, hereinafter referred to as the “Data Controller”.  
2. Our privacy notice
This Privacy Notice provides you with any information useful to understand how the Data Controller collects and uses the information that identifies users of the Site. Everyone has the right to the protection of their personal data. The Data Controller respects the right of its users to be informed about the collection and processing operations of their personal data. In the processing of data that may, directly or indirectly, identify you, the Owner of the Site respects a principle of strict necessity. For this reason, the Site is configured in such a way that the use of your personal data is reduced to a minimum, and in such a way as to exclude the processing of your data when the purposes pursued in individual cases (such as, for instance, in market research aimed at improving services, or for data relating to traffic and your time on the website or your IP address, or at the request of authorities and police forces) may be achieved through the use of anonymous data. Decisions regarding the purposes, methods of processing your personal data and the tools used, including the security profile, are the responsibility of the Controller, as the data controller for the processing of users’ personal data.  
3. How we use your data and for what purposes
Your data (personal data, user ID and password, e-mail address) are collected and processed by the Data Controller for purposes strictly related to the use of the Site and its services. Your personal data may also be used in other processing operations, however, in terms compatible with such purposes. In particular, your data may be processed: to provide you with confidential functionality as part of the portal access processes, such as changing your access data and user profile; to provide you with assistance services; Your data is processed mainly in digital format and stored in a form that enables your identification for the time strictly necessary for the purpose for which the data was collected and subsequently processed and, in any case, within the limits of the law. In order to ensure that your personal data is always accurate and up to date, however relevant and complete, please notify us of any changes made, interacting autonomously with the forms for changing your profile data contained on the Site. Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties for purposes not permitted by law or for purposes not in accordance with this privacy notice. Your data may be disclosed to the police or the judicial authorities, in accordance with the law and upon formal request by such parties, for example within the anti-fraud services. Your data may be disclosed by the Data Controller if it deems such disclosure to be reasonably necessary to enforce its Terms of Use or to protect its activities or users. Your personal data may be disclosed to the public only with your consent and only as part of the provision of services through the Site. Your data may be transferred abroad only for purposes strictly related to the use of the Site and only for the purpose for which your data was obtained. In the event of reorganisation, merger or sale, the Data Controller may transfer all collected personal data to third parties for the specific purposes for which you have given your consent. In all these cases, your consent is not necessary.  
4. What happens if you do not consent to the processing of your personal data
The sending of your data to the Data Controller and, in particular, your personal data, your e-mail address, your postal address, your telephone number are necessary for the management of the operations carried out on the Site, such as, for example, registration on the Site, finalisation of purchase orders, provision of assistance services, fulfilment of legal obligations, etc. Any refusal to disclose your data that is necessary for such purposes to the Data Controller may make it impossible for the Data Controller to correctly provide the services through the Site. Failure to provide your data may constitute, as the case may be, a legitimate and justified reason for not carrying out or suspending the services you have requested. Disclosure to the Data Controller of further data, other than essential data, for the purposes of fulfilling its services is, on the other hand, optional and does not entail any consequences for the use of the Site. Depending on the case and, where necessary, from time to time, the Data Controller will inform you of the obligatory or optional nature of disclosing your personal data, highlighting the obligatory or optional nature of such disclosure, affixing a special character (*) to the information of an obligatory nature, or only the data necessary for the provision of services. We remind you that failure to provide optional personal data will not entail any obligation or disadvantage.  
5. The collection of your browsing data
As part of the use and browsing of the Site, it may happen that some browsing data is collected through so-called “cookies”, such as, for instance, browsing history, duration of the session on the site, number of pages visited, geographical origin, collection of the user’s IP address and other information relating to the time on the Site or the preferences expressed by the user in the choice of services offered by the Site. This information and data are collected directly and automatically by the Site and as part of its operation. For more details on how it works, please read our Cookie Information.  
6. Security measures
The Data Controller adopts security measures in order to minimise the risks of destruction or loss, also accidental, of the data, as well as unauthorised access or processing that is not permitted or that does not comply with the collection purposes indicated in our Privacy Notice. However, the Data Controller cannot guarantee its users that the measures adopted for the security of the Site and the transmission of data and information limit or totally exclude any risk of unauthorised access or dissemination of data through the devices with which users are bbrowsing. We recommend that you ensure that your computer is equipped with appropriate software devices for the protection of network data transmission, both incoming and outgoing (such as up-to-date antivirus systems) and that your Internet service provider has taken appropriate measures for the security of network data transmission.  
7. Rights of the data subject to the processing
At any time you may exercise, in accordance with Articles 15 to 22 of EU Regulation 2016/679, the following rights and obtain:
  • confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you exists;
  • information about the origin of your personal data;
  • information about the purpose and method of processing your personal data;
  • information about the logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic tools;
  • the identification details of the data controller and data processors;
  • an indication of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be disclosed or who may become aware of them as, for example, data processors;
  • where possible, information about the storage period and limitations of processing;
  • the portability of data, i.e. receiving data in a structured, commonly used format that is readable by automatic device and transmitting it to another data controller without hindrance
  • the updating, rectification or integration of your personal data;
  • the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of your personal data, processed in breach of the law, including data that does not need to be kept for the purposes for which it was collected;
  • revocation of consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation to lodge a complaint with the competent authority (Privacy Guarantor)
You will, however, have the right to object to the processing of data: a) for legitimate reasons as regards the processing of personal data concerning you, including if pertinent to the purpose of collection; b) concerning you for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct sales, or for carrying out market research or sales messaging; c) automated decision-making related to natural persons, including profiling. You may freely exercise your rights at any time, provided that within the limits of the law, by making a request to the Data Controller, at the e-mail address horm[at], to which we will provide appropriate feedback. The Data Controller may refuse to comply with requests that are futile, harassing, damage the privacy of others or excessively difficult to satisfy.  
8. Contact information
If you wish to receive further information on how the Data Controller handles your personal data, please write an e-mail to the following e-mail address horm[at] In order to know your rights and always be up to date on the legislation on the protection of persons with regard to data processing, we advise you to visit the website of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data at  
9.Retention time
Your data is kept for the time necessary to pursue the purposes indicated in this Notice unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.  
10. Contact Persons
For any other information on our Privacy Notice, you can send a request to the following e-mail address: horm[at] or write to Horm Italia Srl, Via Antonio Carpenè 17, 33070 Brugnera PN, Italy.
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